If you have a hard time falling or staying asleep at night, you're probably not waking up feeling well-rested.
Getting a sufficient amount of sleep each night is an essential part of waking up feeling well-rested and maintaining your mental health. Not getting enough sleep can be extremely detrimental to your health.
In this article, we’re going to discuss insomnia, the importance of getting enough sleep each night, the health benefits of getting a good night’s sleep, and the best sleep supplements you can take to combat insomnia.
But first, what is insomnia?
Insomnia is a sleeping disorder characterized by the inability to fall or stay asleep to the point where it impacts your day-to-day life. Roughly 35% of adults are affected by insomnia.
The effects of insomnia can be extremely frustrating and debilitating. Those who are affected by insomnia experience excessive daytime sleepiness and a wide range of health problems due to their lack of sleep. Insomniacs are at a significantly higher risk of auto accidents because of their inability to focus.
There are two different types of insomnia: short-term insomnia and chronic insomnia. Short-term insomnia only lasts for a brief period of time, while chronic insomnia can last three months or more.
In addition, some people predominantly experience the inability to fall asleep, while others may predominantly experience the inability to stay asleep throughout the night. Either way, insomniacs don’t get to wake up feeling well-rested and are drastically impacted by their lack of sleep.
That being said, not everyone who finds it difficult to fall or stay asleep is an insomniac. There are plenty of possible reasons as to why you can’t sleep! Click here to find out why you can’t sleep and additional things you can do to change that.
Taking sleep supplements is a great way to help your body catch up on that much-needed sleep you might’ve been missing out on. Keep reading to learn about the best sleep supplements for insomnia, so you can finally sleep through the night and wake up feeling well-rested.
Now that we know what insomnia is, we can discuss some of the most effective ways to combat it.
If you want to get a deeper, more restful sleep, take a look at some of the best natural sleep supplements for falling and staying asleep:
There you have it! Some of the best all-natural sleep supplements for staying asleep.
One of my personal favorite sleep supplements is NightCap because it contains Magnesium, Zinc, and L-Glycine all in one evening cocktail. Keep reading to learn more about NightCap and how it can benefit you, so you can find out if it is the right sleep supplement for you.
NightCap is an evening cocktail chock-full of healthful, all-natural ingredients designed to help you achieve the best night’s sleep possible. Not only does NightCap reduce stress and anxiety, but it maximizes your REM sleep, the dream phase of your sleep cycle.
Not only can NightCap help your body achieve deeper REM sleep, but NightCap helps you sleep through the night without waking up. In addition, NightCap contains zero calories and zero grams of sugar. It almost sounds too good to be true!
It’s safe to say that NightCap is a great way to end the day. You can even make it part of your bedtime routine; relax and wind down with NightCap to fall and stay asleep the whole night through.
But why is it so important to get a good night’s sleep? Keep reading to learn more about why getting a good night’s sleep is critical to your overall health and well-being.
Sleep is a necessary function for your body to get the rest it needs. A good night’s sleep allows your brain to recharge, store memories, and process information.
Sleep also helps the body fight diseases, heal, and grow. Without enough sleep, your immune system won’t work as effectively as it should, making you vulnerable to getting sick. In addition, sleep greatly affects your brain’s learning and memory functioning.
When it comes to reaping the benefits of getting a good night’s sleep, nothing should ever stand in your way. Let’s take a look at the health benefits sleep supplements NigthCap can bring you by keeping your insomnia at bay.
It goes without saying that you need a good night’s sleep to function the following day. But what exactly are the health benefits of getting enough sleep each night?
I’m glad you asked. The health benefits of getting a good night’s sleep with NightCap or any of the above-mentioned supplements include:
As you can see, the benefits speak for themselves! Now that you know how important is it to get a good night’s sleep, let’s go over a few more ways for you to improve your sleep cycle and overall quality of sleep.
Your sleep-wake cycle refers to your body’s typical sleeping patterns over the course of 24-hours. But what if you suffer from insomnia and don’t have a typical sleeping pattern?
Maintaining a consistent sleep-wake cycle is crucial if you want to be able to train your body to fall asleep at night. Not having a routine sleep-wake cycle could be the reason why you’re having trouble falling asleep each night.
Experts recommend that adults get around 7 hours of sleep per night in order to maintain enough hours of wakefulness during the day. This is why your sleep-wake cycle is so significant.
If you want to be productive and successful throughout the day, it’s necessary to get a good night’s sleep! Not to mention, getting proper amounts of sleep greatly contributes to your day-to-day mood and overall quality of life.
That being said, how does one properly regulate their sleep-wake cycle? In order to properly regulate your sleep-wake cycle, it’s important to learn about your circadian rhythm and how it works. Let’s discuss this below.
Managing your circadian rhythm is one of the most significant things you can do in addition to taking sleep supplements in order to stay awake all day. Circadian rhythms are mental, physical, and behavioral changes that occur over a 24-hour period.
Think of your circadian rhythm as an internal biological clock; if you typically wake up at a certain time every day, your body will register that habit and signal your brain to wake you up at that time.
This means that you can actually set your own circadian rhythm by keeping a consistent schedule and forming healthy habits! That being said, there are many different factors that play a role in setting your circadian rhythm.
For instance, the body can naturally make its own circadian rhythm based on external stimuli like sunlight. When the sun rises, the light signals your brain to wake you up. When the sun sets, the darkness signals your brain to begin producing melatonin, the hormone primarily responsible for inducing sleep.
Internally, the Cryptochrome and Period genes regulate your circadian rhythm by coding for specific proteins that build up in the cell’s nucleus at night and become scarce during the day. Studies suggest that these proteins signal your brain to make you sleepy.
Because your circadian rhythm is affected by both internal and external stimuli, you can actually self-regulate your circadian rhythm by getting exposure to certain external stimuli at specific times in the day.
In other words, if you want to set your internal biological clock to start waking you up earlier, you should consistently expose yourself to sunlight at an earlier time each day. You can train your brain to wake you up at the same time every day just by consistently exposing yourself to visible light at the time you want to start waking up!
That being said, there might be certain stimuli you expose yourself to throughout the day that affect your circadian rhythm without you even realizing it. For instance, your brain might confuse blue light from electronic devices with daylight.
That’s why it’s so important to limit your use of electronic devices late at night. This way, your brain won’t confuse blue light with sunlight.
As you can see, to get a good night’s sleep it’s also important to maintain a consistent routine. Creating a consistent bedtime routine can be another great way to combat insomnia.
What are some examples of bedtime routines that can help you fall asleep at night and cut out napping during the day?
I’m glad you asked. Take a look at the things you can do before bed that can help you relax, fall asleep, and improve your quality of life.
Remember, consistency is key. The most effective routine is the routine that works best for you.
The EarlyBird Morning Cocktail
The EarlyBird Morning Cocktail
In this article, we learned about insomnia, the importance of getting a good night’s sleep, and the best supplements that you can take to fall and stay asleep through the whole night.
Now that you know some effective ways to combat insomnia, nothing can stop you from getting a good night’s sleep, waking up feeling well-rested, and maximizing your productivity throughout the day. Don’t forget to check out NightCap, one of the best sleep supplements for maximizing REM sleep and getting your brain and body the rest they need.