Can’t stop taking naps? We’ve all been there! If you’re someone who naps every day and are looking for ways to stop, look no further.
In this article, we’re going to discuss possible reasons why you might be napping every day, how to better regulate your sleep cycle, and what you can do to get yourself to make it through the day without needing a nap.
Keep reading to learn more!
Everybody loves a good ‘ole fashion nap now and then. But what does it mean if you can’t make it through the day without a nap?
If you’re napping every day, it could be a sign that you’re not getting an adequate amount of sleep at night.1 The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that adults get 7 full hours of sleep per night.
Of course, for some, getting 7 hours of sleep every night can seem nearly impossible. However, there’s no denying it; busy-body or not, sleep is a necessary function to maintain your health, quality of life, and proper cognitive functioning.
If you’re not sure why you constantly feel the need to nap, here’s a list of possible reasons:
If none of the above applies to you, you may have a dysregulated sleep-wake cycle. Keep reading below to learn more about your sleep-wake cycle and the things you can do to better regulate it and get through the day without needing to nap.
Your sleep-wake cycle refers to your body’s typical sleeping patterns over the course of 24-hours. But what if you don’t have a typical sleeping pattern?
Maintaining a consistent sleep-wake cycle is crucial if you want to be able to train your body to fall asleep at night and nix napping during the day. Not having a routine sleep-wake cycle could be the reason why you’re having trouble staying awake throughout the day.
Experts recommend that adults get around 7 hours of sleep per night in order to maintain enough hours of wakefulness during the day. This is why your sleep-wake cycle is so significant.
If you want to be productive and successful throughout the day, it’s necessary to get a good night’s sleep! Not to mention, getting proper amounts of sleep greatly contributes to your day-to-day mood and overall quality of life.
That being said, how does one properly regulate their sleep-wake cycle? In order to properly regulate your sleep-wake cycle, it’s important to learn about your circadian rhythm and how it works. Let’s discuss this below.
Managing your circadian rhythm is one of the most significant things you can do to stay awake all day. Circadian rhythms are mental, physical, and behavioral changes that occur over a 24-hour period.
Think of your circadian rhythm as an internal biological clock; if you typically wake up at a certain time every day, your body will register that habit and signal your brain to wake you up at that time.
This means that you can actually set your own circadian rhythm by keeping a consistent schedule and forming healthy habits! That being said, there are many different factors that play a role in setting your circadian rhythm.
For instance, the body can naturally make its own circadian rhythm based on external stimuli like sunlight. When the sun rises, the light signals your brain to wake you up. When the sun sets, the darkness signals your brain to begin producing melatonin, the hormone primarily responsible for inducing sleep.
The predominant genes that play a role in regulating your circadian rhythm are the Cryptochrome and Period genes. But how do they regulate your circadian rhythm?
I’m glad you asked! The Cryptochrome and Period genes regulate your circadian rhythm by coding for specific proteins that build up in the cell’s nucleus at night and become scarce during the day. Studies suggest that these proteins signal your brain to make you sleepy.
Because your circadian rhythm is affected by both internal and external stimuli, you can actually self-regulate your circadian rhythm by getting exposure to certain external stimuli at specific times in the day.
In other words, if you want to set your internal biological clock to start waking you up earlier, you should consistently expose yourself to sunlight at an earlier time each day. You can train your brain to wake you up at the same time every day just by consistently exposing yourself to visible light at the time you want to start waking up!
That being said, there might be certain stimuli you expose yourself to throughout the day that affect your circadian rhythm without you even realizing it. For instance, your brain might confuse blue light from electronic devices with daylight.
Now that you know what a circadian rhythm is and how to regulate yours, let’s discuss how maintaining a consistent routine can help you quit napping during the day.
If you haven’t already guessed, your routine goes hand-in-hand with your circadian rhythm (being that your circadian rhythm is your 24-hour wake-sleep cycle). Consequently, if you want to stop napping throughout the day, keeping a consistent and healthy routine is a great way to enable your body to stay awake.
Not only does maintaining a consistent routine play a role in regulating your circadian rhythm, but studies show that it can also help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety. Keeping a bedtime routine can keep your intrusive thoughts away as you focus your energy on other, soothing tasks (like falling asleep).
In addition to reducing intrusive thoughts, an effective bedtime routine will have a calming effect on your brain, as it signals your brain that it’s almost bedtime. Keeping a routine can also play an important role in emotional regulation and have a profound, positive impact on your mental health.
What are some examples of bedtime routines that can help calm you down and fall asleep? I’m glad you asked. Take a look at the things you can do before bed that can help you relax, fall asleep earlier, and improve your quality of life.
With the right bedtime routine, you’ll stop napping throughout the day in no time! Just remember that consistency is key, and the most effective routine is the routine that works best for you. If you already have a routine and are still having trouble falling asleep, you should check out NightCap, my personal favorite way to get the best night’s sleep and keep the energy high the following day.
Introducing: NightCap.
NightCap is a delicious evening cocktail made with all-natural ingredients that your body needs such as Magnesium, Zinc, Rutaecarpine, and PharmaGABA.
Click here to learn about how these ingredients can benefit you and help you achieve a deeper night’s sleep. Not only will NightCap help you sleep better, but it will also help you wake up feeling rejuvenated and ready to take on the day.
With NightCap, you can feel well-rested 24/7 and maximize your productivity throughout the day. Not to mention it tastes delicious; talk about a win-win!
Another great way to fall asleep and improve your general health is through meditative practices like yoga. Let’s discuss how yoga can improve your quality of life below.
The EarlyBird Morning Cocktail
Yoga’s been around for thousands of years for a reason! But why should you practice yoga before bed? Well, because yoga implements stretching and breathing exercises into the mix, it’s a perfect way to check in with and relax your physical body before you give it a night’s rest.
It’s important to keep in mind that some yoga flows are lighter than others, like bedtime yoga! Think of it as a wind-down evening stretch to expel stress from your limbs before going to sleep. Not only can bedtime yoga improve your physical health, but it can also help you achieve a deeper sleep, assisting you to sleep through the night and wake up feeling refreshed.
Click here to learn more about bedtime yoga and how it can help you quit napping while the sun is up!
Another great way to get a deeper, quality night’s sleep is by drinking NightCap, my personal favorite evening cocktail mentioned above. NightCap is chock-full of healthful ingredients that can help you sleep deeply through the night and improve your overall general health. It’s also the perfect refreshment after a fulfilling bedtime yoga session.
In addition to regulating your sleep cycle, check out this list of all the many ways bedtime yoga can improve your well-being:
The best part about all the above-mentioned health benefits is that you can reap these benefits with simple, entry-level poses. You don’t have to break your back to wind down!
Doing simple yoga poses consistently before bed for as short as fifteen minutes can make all the difference in your day-to-day physical and mental health, as well as help you fall asleep at night and stop napping during the day!
The EarlyBird Morning Cocktail
So far, we've gone over some surefire ways to keep the energy high throughout the day. All in all, you can get your body to stop napping during the day by:
If you follow these tips and tricks, you should be able to stop napping during the day and maximize your daytime productivity.